Takesi Geisha - Online 8AM Thursday 04/08

It's finally time... our Takesi Geisha release is imminent.

We will have a limited quantity of the Finca Takesi Geisha available for wholesale, going live at 8:00 AM (AEST) tomorrow. We're roasting same-day and delivering as part of our regular schedule.

Seven Seeds are one of only five coffee roasters worldwide with this release; being arguably the most sought-after varietal by coffee professionals and enthusiasts worldwide, it will move fast. We are limiting purchases to 4x 200g bags per customer.

For anyone looking to pop this one on your retail shelf, or even on your filter menu, we're retailing Geisha for $70 per 200g bag and will be served as pour-overs in our cafes at $18 a cup.

Our retail allocation sold out online in less than 20 minutes! This is definitely one to get your hands on.

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